UIC Updates
Last Updated: 09/05/24
Contract Updates
September 5
The finalized Collective Bargaining Agreements and Supplemental Wage Agreements for Clerical, Technical, and Service are available on the UIC Labor Agreements webpage.
If you are concerned that your new rate is incorrect, or if you were not paid the increased hourly differential that you are eligible for, please contact the Member Action Center at 312- 787-5868 or your union representative for assistance.
The $2,000 retro payment will be included on the Sept 11 paycheck.
• The 2024 2% increase for Clerical went into effect on Sept 1, the first day of the first pay period after the Clerical contract anniversary (Aug 27). The raise will be paid out on Sept 25.
• Clerical already received the 4% increase on the July 31 paycheck.
• The increased hourly differentials for evenings, nights, and weekends took effect after July 1.
• The $2,000 retro payment will be included on the Sept 11 paycheck.
• Technical should have already received their 4% raise, which went into effect on Aug 4 and was paid out on Aug 28.
• The new and increased differentials for Float pay, On-Call pay, Preceptor pay, Charge pay, and Overutilization pay went into effect after Aug 1. To help educate employees about their new eligibility for Float pay under the expanded Float pay negotiated into our contract, please refer to this handout.
• The $2,000 retro payment will be included on the Sept 11 paycheck.
• The 4% raise took effect Aug 18 and will also be paid out on the Sept 11 paycheck.
• The increased hourly differentials for evenings, nights, weekends, and the increased hospital differential also took effect after Aug 16.
• Your bargaining team has finished reviewing the final agreement. We are in the process of gathering and submitting the final document for UIC to sign by Friday of this week, which is the last step in the contract execution process. These careful reviews of the final agreement are incredibly important because it’s our responsibility to correct all errors and mistakes UIC may have made in the incorporation of our tentative agreements into the new contract.
• Your raises will take effect once the agreement is fully executed. Workers will receive their 2023 4% increase and the 2024 2% increase applied at the same time. We do not have a date determined yet, but we hope to have one soon.
• Workers with ten years of experience in a Professional title as of Aug 16, 2024, will receive their $2,000 longevity payment. We do not yet have a date as to when that payment will be applied. We have also made it clear to UIC that we are ready to take action if there are any further delays.
• After the raises are applied, the employer will prepare to pay the Pros their retro. Remember that Pros are entitled to 2023 4% increase from Aug 16, 2023 to Aug 17, 2024. Beginning Aug 18, 2024, the 4% compounds with 2% contract anniversary increase that employees are overdue for receiving.
August 7
Updates on Raises
Technical 4% Raise & Retro– Technical workers’ raises went into effect on Sun Aug 4 and will be paid out on Wed, Aug 28. The raises are updated live, so please allow a few days for the correct rate to appear in the online system. No matter what, your paycheck on Aug 28 should reflect your full raise at all hours worked for the pay period. The final agreement and supplemental wage agreement have been posted on the UIC Labor Agreements webpage. Please remember that when checking your raise, you will need to refer to the pay scales distributed on the green paper at ratification to first determine what step you are on. The posted wage agreement will reflect the 4% increase on top of that step.
If you are concerned that your new rate/raise is incorrect, you can stop by the Purple Wednesday table next week (see details under ‘Purple Up Tabling’) or contact your union representative. We still do not know when the retro checks will be paid out.
Service & Professional 4% Raise & Retro – Service will be implemented after Technical. We still do not have effective dates for Service raises or retro pay, but we are fighting for Service workers to receive their raises this summer. Professional raises and retro will soon follow Service.
Clerical 4% Raise & Retro – Clerical workers’ pay increases took effect July 7 and were paid out on your July 31 paycheck. The final agreement and wage scales have been posted on the UIC Labor Agreements webpage. If you are concerned that your new rate/raise is incorrect, please contact the Member Action Center at 312-787-5868 for assistance and the next steps. You can also contact your union representative. We still do not know when the retro checks will be paid out.
2024 2% Campus Wage Increase – All SEIU Local 73 members will receive a 2% increase to be applied on the first day of the first pay period of the anniversary date of the new contacts for 2024. All four contracts guarantee that in the event the campus salary program (known as the Campus Wage increase in our contracts) is higher than the minimum annual amount listed (1.75% for Clerical, Tech, & Service; 2% for Pros), all union workers will receive the higher raise.
Contract anniversary dates for this year are as follows:
Pros: Aug 17, 2024—Since the Professional 4% raise has not yet been implemented, the 2024 2% campus wage increase for Professionals will be rolled into the retro payment for the 4% that workers were already owed. The 2% will be retroactive to the first day of the first pay period after Aug 17, which means it will be retroactive to Aug 18.
Clerical: Aug 27, 2024—Clerical workers will receive the 2% increase on the first day of the first pay period after Aug 27. This means the increase will be effective Sept 1 and paid out on Sept 28.
Service: Oct 4, 2024
Technical: Dec 17, 2024
Please refer to the UIC Updates page for updates on contract implementation, contract information for your union representative, and more.
Purple Up Tabling
Next week, the union will be tabling on Chicago’s East & West Campus’ at the following locations/times. If you have questions about the raises, new contracts, or other issues, please stop by one of the tables. If you are outside Chicago and can’t attend the tabling sessions, please contact your union representative to schedule a meeting.
Wed. Aug 14, 10 AM – 2 PM – Student Center East, 750 S Halsted St.
Thur. Aug 15, 10 AM – 2 PM – Specialty Care Building, Room 2105, 1009 S Wood St.
July 23
Clerical increases and retro pay: Clerical employees’ pay increases took effect July 7 and will be paid out on your July 31 paycheck. The final agreement and wage scales have been posted on the UIC Labor Agreements webpage. If you are concerned that your new rate/raise is incorrect, please contact the Member Action Center at 312-787-5868 for assistance and the next steps. You can also contact your union representative. We still do not have a date for when the retro checks will be paid out.
2% 2024 Campus Wage Increase: All SEIU Local 73 members will receive a 2% increase to be applied on the first day of the first pay period of the anniversary date of the new contacts for 2024. The Contract anniversary dates for 2024 are as follows:
- Technical: Dec 17
- Clerical: Aug 27
- Service: Oct 4
- Pros: Aug 17
All 4 contracts guarantee that in the event the campus salary program (known as the Campus Wage increase in our contracts) is higher than the minimum annual amount listed (1.75% for Clerical, Tech, & Service; 2% for Pros), all union workers will receive the higher raise.
Technical: Your bargaining team has signed the finalized contract and wage scales. According to UIC, the raises are on schedule to be paid out before the end of the summer, we will share an update on the anticipated timeline as soon as we know what it is. We still do not have a date for when the retro checks will be paid out.
Service and Professional: Service will be implemented after Technical. We still do not have effective dates for Service raises or retro pay, but we are fighting for Service workers to receive their raises this summer. Professional raises and retro will soon follow Service.
June 28
The Clerical contract will be executed on July 1, which means that the raises will take effect on July 7, the first day of the first pay period after contract execution. This means that the first check that Clerical will receive with the raises will be paid out on July 31. We still do not have a timeframe for the retro payment. Please refer to the June 21 update below about the status of the raises for Technical, Service, and Professional.
June 21
In the weeks since your contracts were ratified at the end of May, your union has been working hard to finalize and execute the agreements as quickly as possible so that workers can get their raises and retro pay without unnecessary delays.
During negotiations, your bargaining team fought for the contracts to be implemented in the order of which group of workers was owed the most pay after their contracts expired last year– that means that Clerical raises will be implemented first, followed by Technical raises and then Service raises. Professional raises will be implemented last because those workers will receive exact retro back to August 2023.
UIC informed us that Clerical workers are on schedule to receive their raises in July as planned, but they have not confirmed a specific date or timeframe yet.
In addition to finalizing and signing off on the final draft of the fully executed contracts themselves, there are still several timely issues that your bargaining team and I are still working through with UIC. We will continue to share updates on the issues below as soon as we can. We are still working on:
- Dates that Technical, Service, and Professional 4%+ raises will take effect
- The timeline and date for the $2000 Retro pay to be paid out
- Receiving and reviewing results from the market and equity reviews for all the contracts
- Finalizing the pay grades and pay scales for Technical titles
- Finalizing the Technical titles eligible for the Specialty On Call pay
We’ve posted the summary of the final tentative agreements that were distributed during ratification on the UIC Updates page if you have questions while we wait for the contracts to be fully executed. Feel free to refer to the information in this document or reach out to your union rep/union steward if you have more questions about the new contracts.
News Coverage
Looking for more news?
Latest Bargaining Updates
We started bargaining all four of the SEIU 73 Collective Bargaining Agreements on June 13, 2023. See the presentation we gave to management on our first day with our bargaining goals and approach here. Additionally, we presented our economics proposal to management in October, which you can find here.
Bargaining is open for member observers to attend during times during the day when you are not working. RSVP to attend a bargaining session here.
A union is as strong as the members! So sign up to join the contract action team and take action in our fight to improve working conditions at UIC!
You can find previous bargaining updates under the “Purple Wednesday” tab.
Bargaining Update — May 3
[Español abajo]
After our May Day action and two long days of collective bargaining, the Service, Clerical, and Technical teams were able to reach Tentative Agreements today securing momentous wins for UIC civil service staff! We will share more information about our wins and the ratification process next week!
The Professional’s bargaining committee fought management late into the night on Thursday. The committee pushed the university further than ever before, but we have not yet reached a tentative agreement. With the support of dozens of professional observers in our last few sessions, we gained significant momentum at the bargaining table. With the continued solidarity and support from the Clerical, Service, and Technical bargaining teams, your Professional bargaining team decided to take the weekend to consider our next steps rather than allow management to rush us into an agreement. Please be looking for an update on Monday regarding our next steps.
Después de nuestra acción del Primero de Mayo y dos largos días de negociación colectiva, los equipos de servicio, administrativo y técnico pudieron llegar a acuerdos provisionales hoy asegurando victorias trascendentales para el personal de la administración pública de la UIC. ¡Compartiremos más información sobre nuestros logros y el proceso de ratificación la próxima semana!
El comité de negociación del Professional luchó contra la gerencia hasta altas horas de la noche del jueves. El comité presionó a la universidad más que nunca, pero todavía no hemos llegado a un acuerdo provisional. Con el apoyo de docenas de observadores profesionales en nuestras últimas sesiones, logramos un impulso significativo en la mesa de negociaciones. Con la solidaridad y el apoyo continuos de los equipos de negociación administrativos, de servicio y técnicos, su equipo de negociación profesional decidió tomarse el fin de semana para considerar nuestros próximos pasos en lugar de permitir que la gerencia nos apresurara a llegar a un acuerdo. Esté atento a una actualización el lunes sobre nuestros próximos pasos.
Purple Wednesday Newsletter
To show UIC that we are standing united, it’s time to relaunch #PurpleWednesdays! Participation is easy, just wear your Local 73 purple swag – buttons, hats, t-shirts, or hoodies – or any purple on Wednesdays. Join your coworkers by purpling up next Wednesday!
Your union will be sending biweekly Purple Wednesday emails with updates on bargaining, campaigns, and other important information.
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – April 17
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – April 10
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – April 3
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – March 27
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – March 20
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – March 6
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – February 22
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – February 7
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – January 31
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – January 24
Bargaining Update – January 12
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – December 6
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – October 12
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – August 23
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – July 12
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – June 20
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – June 07
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – May 16
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – May 03
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – April 18
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – April 05
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – March 23
Purple Wednesday Newsletter – March 07
Find Your Union Steward and Staff Representative
Staff at the local are assigned to work with specified buildings, departments and colleges of the university. These assignments may change from time to time. Please see the list below for an updated breakdown of which staff are assigned to which areas and their contact information. If you do not see your area listed below, reach out to Melinda Bunnage, Deputy Director of Higher Education, at mbunnage@seiu73.org.
Cheriell Jackson (CJ), cjackson@seiu73.org
- UI Health
- Outpatient Care Center
- Ear & Eye Infirmary
- Rehab Services dept
- Labs & Pathology dept
- Medical Call Center dept
- Patient Access, Patient Accounting & Patient Logistics depts
- Ambulatory Care
- Chicago’s West campus
- Neuropsychiatric Institute
- College of Medicine Buildings
- Clinical Science Buildings
- Medical Sciences Building
- Marshfield Ave Building
- West Research Office Building
- Chicago’s East Campus
- 715-722 & 704 Maxwell
- Family Medicine Center & Departments
Felix Ortiz, fortiz@seiu73.org
- Division of Specialized Care for Children
- UIC School of Law
- Miles Square Clinics
- Chicago West Campus
- Hospital Building Service Workers
- Biologic Resources Laboratory
- College of Dentistry
- College of Pharmacy
- Miles Square Clinic Main
- Campus Building Service Workers and House Attendants
- Chicago East Campus
- Building Service Workers and House Attendants
Abby Schultz, aschultz@seiu73.org
- UI Health
- UIC Hospital
- Specialty Care Building
- Dialysis dept
- Continuum of Care dept
- Clinical Nutrition dept
- Info Tech Services dept
- Radiology
Andrew Yale, ayale@seiu73.org
- College of Medicine Peoria
- College of Medicine Rockford & LP Johnson
- Chicago Campus
- All East Campus Colleges & Programs (Science & Engineering, Chemistry, Liberal Arts & Sciences, Education, etc.)
- Technology Solutions
- Campus Housing
- Campus Facilities (Parking, Telecommunicators, Mail, Procurement
- Healthy Cities Collaborative
- Student Center East & West
- Daley Library & Library of the Health Sciences
- Student Services Building (East)
- Disability, Health, and Social Policy Building (East)
- Human Resources Building (West)
- School of Public Health (West)
- Applied Health Sciences Building (West)
- Administrative Office Building (West)
Look here for a complete list of UIC stewards. Every department should have a steward. If you don’t have a steward in your area, nominate yourself or someone else here!
Contract Enforcement Resources
General Information
- FAQ for INA Strike
- Back to School 2022 Flyer
- Membership Guide Fall 2021
- Meet Your Stewards Fall 2021
- HR Contact Email: uichrscivilservice@uillinois.edu
- COVID Resource Guide | En español
Worksite Issue Report Forms
- COVID Policy Tracking Report Form
- Certification Tracking Form
- Manager Conduct Report Form (Formulario de informe de conducta del gerente)
- Equity Concern Report Form (Informe de preocupación por la equidad de la Universidad de Illinois en Chicago)
Union Contracts & Relevant Policies/Resources
- Union Contracts
- Technical Vacation Payout UIC Communication
- UIC Labor Agreements Page (Wage Scales + Appendixes)
- UIC HR Policy and Rules for Civil Service Staff
- State University Civil Service System
- UIC Job Board
- UIC Retro FAQs
- Signed MOU about Parental Leave
- UIC Presentation on COVID19 Vaccinations & Contact Tracing 9/15/21
- GoTime FAQ
- FAQs on the UI Health Bilingual Certification Process
- Enforcing Float Pay
- Side Letter on BSW Reassignment
Steward Information
- Steward & Activist Nomination Form
- Steward trainings will be regularly posted on the SEIU 73 Member Webpage
- Steward Election Petition
- UIC Steward Handbook (password protected)
- Steward Info Request Form (password protected)
Contract Enforcement Resources