
Union stewards are crucial in the continued growth of our strength. Stewards are vital members of our union. They’re the first person members go to when they have questions or if they have a problem at work. By becoming a steward, you can help build our union power!

Drop-In Office Hours
Ask our Director of Member Education anything about Local 73!
First Tuesday of the Month
10 am-1 pm
Last Tuesday of the Month
5 pm – 7 pm

Click here to join the Zoom call during office hours.

Contact Teresa Contreras

Boiler Room Operating Training

Congratulations to all the SEIU Local 73 members who successfully completed their final Boiler Operation training class this weekend and worked hard to earn their certificates. This six-week course was offered to strengthen our members’ understanding of boiler systems and open up new opportunities for career advancement.


Road Map to Becoming a Steward

Confessions of a Union Steward

Upcoming Steward Trainings

Virtual Steward Training

English (Click here to register)

Part 1: Saturday, October 5, 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Part 2: Saturday, October 19, 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Know Your Rights

What is a grievance? English Version Versión en español

What is a Local 73 Steward? English Version Versión en español

What are the expectations of a Steward? English Version Versión en español

Six steps to become a Steward English Version Versión en español
Weingarten Rights
English Version Versión en español
What is Agitation? English Version Versión en español
Tips for Being a Good Active Listener English Version Versión en español
Do’s and Don’ts of Meetings with Management