Chicago Park District Updates

Last Updated: 01/08/2025
Recent Updates
January 7, 2025
Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a joyous and restful holiday season.
As a reminder, our 2025 negotiated raises went into effect starting on January 1. These raises were hard-won by the work of your elected bargaining team and all members who took action to pressure management to come to an agreement.
The raises are as follows:
- All monthlies receive a 4% increase
- All hourlies receive a $1.00/hr increase
- All seasonals receive a $0.75/hr increase once the season begins
You can see the exact pay rate for your title in Appendix A/p.54 of our union contract here.
Since this upcoming payday on Friday, Jan 10, covers the pay period 12/19/2024-1/1/2025, you will only see the raise reflected for one day of work on that check (Jan 1).
The next payday on Friday, Jan 24 (covering the pay period 1/2/2025-1/15/2025) will fully reflect the new pay rate.
In addition, please note the full 12 weeks of Paid Parental Leave negotiated into our contract are now in effect as of Jan 1. In order to qualify, you must have worked 1,250 hours in the previous year and been employed for at least 1 year prior to the leave. Read the full policy on p.40-42 of our contract.
¡Feliz año nuevo! Esperamos que todos hayan tenido unas vacaciones felices y relajantes.
Como recordatorio, nuestros aumentos negociados para 2025 entraron en vigor a partir del 1 de enero. Estos aumentos se lograron con esfuerzo gracias al trabajo de su equipo de negociación elegido y de todos los miembros que tomaron medidas para presionar a la gerencia para que llegara a un acuerdo.
Los aumentos son los siguientes:
- Todas las publicaciones mensuales reciben un aumento del 4%.
- Todos los trabajadores por hora reciben un aumento de $1,00 por hora.
- Todos los de temporada reciben un aumento de $0,75 por hora una vez que comienza la temporada.
Puede ver la tasa de pago exacta para su título en el Apéndice A/p.54 de nuestro contrato sindical aquí.
Dado que este próximo día de pago del viernes 10 de enero cubre el período de pago del 19/12/2024 al 1/1/2025, solo verá reflejado el aumento por un día de trabajo en ese cheque (1 de enero).
El próximo día de pago, el viernes 24 de enero (que cubre el período de pago del 2/1/2025 al 15/1/2025) reflejará completamente la nueva tasa de pago.
Además, tenga en cuenta que las 12 semanas completas de licencia parental remunerada negociadas en nuestro contrato ahora están en vigor a partir del 1 de enero. Para calificar, debe haber trabajado 1250 horas el año anterior y haber estado empleado durante al menos 1 año antes. a la licencia. Lea la política completa en las páginas 40-42 de nuestro contrato.
December 03, 2024
In this day and age, we believe it is unacceptable that nearly ⅔ of the Park District year-round workforce does not have access to health insurance. In the latest union contract, we negotiated to create a committee to fight for the District to provide Hourly Health Insurance coverage. As part of our new contract language, the District will need to make a decision on expanding insurance to cover hourlies by the end of 2025.
This does not mean full insurance for hourlies will be guaranteed however– we need everyone’s participation to fight for it! The first step is for all hourly union members to fill out the survey below. The survey should only take you about 10 minutes and will give us the data necessary to determine what the specific needs of hourlies are regarding your healthcare. It will also help us estimate the potential costs of adding hourlies to the healthcare plan. Your responses are confidential, and your name will not be shared without your permission.
When you’re done, please share the survey with at least 3 of your hourly coworkers.
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Guide to Union Representation

Current Committees
- Fair Promotions Committee
- Supervisor Premium Pay Committee
- Temperature Safety Committee
- Hourly Healthcare Committee
- Landscape Committee
- Aquatics Committee
Interested in getting involved with one of these committees? Contact your union field representative.