Committee on the Future
We are members of the Committee on the Future, a diverse group of members and leaders representing the length and breadth of Local 73’s membership. We have spent hundreds of hours reviewing and debating the problems of the past and solutions to the challenges of the future. We all know that our union has had a lot of problems. That is why we proposed an action program and structure to build a stronger, more effective, and democratic union that puts member leadership and participation first. We did it! On June 26, 2018 we counted the votes and it was a historic vote for Local 73. The Committee on the Future’s action program and structure was approved by the membership.

“We the members have the power and authority to change our future to a better union. Let us do it!”
– Roy Chavadiyil, Cook County Health and Hospital Systems

“The hundreds of hours the Committee on the Future has put in is a commitment to build a stronger, self-sufficient and more democratic union.”
-Kim Atkins, Chicago Public Schools
Committee Members
Constitution and Bylaws Subcommittee
- Alan Jones, Secretary of State
- Tracy Brown, Chicago Board of Education
- Karen Lindberg, City of Chicago
- Dena Gary, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Roy Chayadiyil, Cook County Health and Hospital System
- Betty Boles, Local 73 Staff
- Veronica Heard, Chicago Public Schools
- Eliseo Medina, Local 73 Co-Trustee
- Joe Iosbaker, University of Illinois at Chicago
Finance Subcommittee
- Regis Banks, Chicago Park District
- Steven Cain, Chicago Public Schools
- Cathleen Jensen, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Kurt Edelman, Local 73 Together We Rise Coordinator
- Sable Russell, Chicago Park District
- Laura Bryson, Secretary of State
- Becky Mock, Quincy School District #172
- Karen Bynum, Chicago Public Schools
Member Strength Subcommittee
- Kim Akins, Chicago Public Schools
- Allen Flanagan, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Andre Reed, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Dorice Cusic, Gary Community Schools
- Jason Fedorow, First Group America, Galesburg
- Verna Thompson, City of Chicago
- Anita Johnson, Cook County Health and Hospital System
- Dian Palmer, Local 73 Co-Trustee
- Regina Russell, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Darlene Winston, Chicago Public Schools
- Georgina Poole, Secretary of State
- Joe Richert, Local 73 Staff
- Willie Tines, Chicago Park District
- Bob Tulo, Elmhurst School District #205
- Alfred Rodriquez, Chicago Public Schools

“We are determined to build a union that can withstand any challenge, wether it come from employers, politicians or the Supreme Court Janus case.”
-Cathleen Jensen, University of Illinois at Chicago