Housing Authority Members MARCH ON THE BOSS!

Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) members marched on Executive Director Danita Childers this afternoon. They delivered her a petition signed by 80% of the unit, letting her know they demand that HACC accept their latest proposal.
HACC members have been bargaining for about a year now and are tired of the delay!
They are fighting for:
- Raising the lowest-paid employees’ salaries
- Honoring seniority and longevity
- Ensuring our ability to afford housing in Cook County
“It’s been draining that it’s been a whole year, especially when management got large raises, but we didn’t. My coworkers were so excited to march on the boss; they said it felt really good to deliver our petition. I want us to stand together as one because all of us coming together will get us where we need to be mentally and financially. I’ve been here 24 years now, and I enjoy helping our clients pay their rent so everyone can have a comfortable place to live,” said Cassie Williams, Steward at HACC.