
Chicago Park District Members Win Expanded COVID Leave

Briana Soria Cpkd Header Web

The Vaccine Effects Bargaining Committee spent months negotiating with the Chicago Park District, and expanded COVID leave was the last issue left to be resolved. Meeting after meeting, the committee put forth proposals that were rejected by management. Committee members remained dedicated to the issue and kept sharing their personal stories about losing pay and exhausting benefit time to care for their quarantined children.

“During our bargaining with the district, I felt obligated to discuss and fight for our members’ children who have COVID or who were remote quarantined,” said Briana Soria, Park Supervisor at McKinley Park, Union Steward, and Bargaining Committee member.

“This CPS school year, my child has been quarantined with his class five times, with and without being positive. I was running out of PTO and stressing about the fact that I might have to go 7 to 10 days without getting paid,” said Soria.

Other members began adding their names to a petition demanding expanded COVID leave and sharing their personal stories. These efforts paid off − in February, the Committee won five days of paid COVID leave for members whose children are in quarantine.

“Working with our union has given me a voice as a parent and Park employee. I truly appreciate the guidance that our local has given us to fight for our families,” said Soria.