
Lyons District 103 Custodians Elect New Leadership

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Local 73 members in Lyons District 103 held a union meeting to discuss pressing issues and elect new leadership. Together, members brainstormed bargaining goals and how to strengthen our union. Retiring President Jerry Pryzyzcki was also recognized for his many years of service to the chapter.

Members voted and elected Jason Cory, President; Seth Perry, Vice President / Bargaining Committee; and Darren Malina, Vice President / Bargaining Committee.

“I look forward to a smooth transition and we’ve already started tackling the issues at hand. If we stick together we can fight and get through this,” said newly elected President Jason Cory.

“I’m gonna do my best to make sure our unit gets the respect and representation we deserve,” said Seth Perry.

“I am excited to work with Jason and Seth to ensure we are treated with fairness and respect. I have known Jerry, our outgoing president, for 50 years and will do my best to try to follow his example of dedication and perseverance,” said Darren Malina.

The union contract will be expiring in 2022, and District 103 will be entering into bargaining united and prepared to fight for a fair contract.