
Leyden District #212 Members Elect New Leaders

Local 73 members from Leyden High School District #212 got together as a union recently to elect new leaders of their unit. After a long period of informal leadership, it was time to elect new leaders and stewards to build on what we have now, and protect what we’ve already gained in past negotiations. Members gathered at T-Woods in Wood Dale for lively discussion over dinner, followed by the formal nomination and election of the following:              

  • Kevin Levy, President
  • Michael Hurt, Vice President
  • Kuti Kasa, Vice President
  • Ruben Bautista, Steward
  • Tim Koch, Steward
  • Tom Wagner, Recording Secretary

“I’ve been a Local 73 member for the past almost thirty years, and got involved with negotiations three contracts ago,” said Michael Hurt, new Vice President. With folks retiring I stepped up to show solidarity, and now we have new individuals stepping up to the plate. I look forward to working with our new team to pass on the knowledge I’ve gained onto new and future members.”

“To me, unity brings us strength in numbers and when you have strength in numbers you get more accomplished. Better life for each employee’s family, more security, knowing we’re going to work and not get fired for any nonsense and giving it our all at work and getting compensated the way we should,” said Ruben Bautista, new Steward.

“I’m excited to be in a position where I can help other people, and power in numbers is important. I think in years past we’ve had a lack of involvement where people weren’t given a voice, and it led to contracts that were weaker. We’ve got over 40 of us between both schools, and if we we’re all united we have that much more clout to get the fair contract we want,” said Tim Koch, new Steward.

District management will be notified as we prepare for the new semester. We plan to host the next general membership meeting in October, most likely during Institute Day. As a Union, we are able to have a say in our wages and working conditions, rather than just take whatever is handed down to us. If you are not a member yet, become one today and join us as we advocate for the improvements we want and need at Leyden 212!