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Responding to Immigration Enforcement Agents at Hospitals and Clinics
We are forwarding you the Immigration Enforcement Response Guidelines provided by Cook County Health on how to respond if Federal Immigration agents arrive at your worksite.
US Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) agents are treated like any other law enforcement agency that may present at a CCH facility.
While we do not expect enforcement within our facilities, we wanted to share some information for staff to inform their response should an ICE agent present to their facility in the attached PDF.
We proudly care for all people, regardless of their immigration status. We believe that health care is a human right, and that everyone should be able to access to necessary medical care without fear of legal repercussions.
Your support is essential in maintaining a safe, welcoming environment for all who come to us for care. In addition, SEIU Local 73 has additional resources for immigrant workers on our website, including “Know Your Rights” fact sheets in English, Spanish, Arabic, Haitian Creole, Cantonese, and Polish.
Respondiendo a los agentes de inmigración en hospitales y clínicas
Le enviamos las Pautas de respuesta de las autoridades de inmigración proporcionadas por Cook County Health sobre cómo responder si los agentes federales de inmigración llegan a su lugar de trabajo.
Los agentes del Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE, por sus siglas en inglés) de EE. UU. reciben el mismo trato que cualquier otra agencia policial que pueda presentarse en una instalación de CCH.
Si bien no esperamos que se aplique la ley dentro de nuestras instalaciones, queríamos compartir información para que el personal informe su respuesta en caso de que un agente de ICE se presente en sus instalaciones en el PDF adjunto.
Nos preocupamos con orgullo por todas las personas, independientemente de su estatus migratorio. Creemos que la atención médica es un derecho humano y que todos deberían poder acceder a la atención médica necesaria sin temor a repercusiones legales.
Su apoyo es esencial para mantener un ambiente seguro y acogedor para todos los que acuden a nosotros en busca de atención.
Además, SEIU Local 73 tiene recursos adicionales para trabajadores inmigrantes en nuestro sitio web, incluidas hojas informativas “Conozca sus derechos” en inglés, español, árabe, criollo haitiano, cantonés y polaco.
We are preparing for our next round of contract negotiations. The current contracts are set to expire on November 30, 2025. The priorities and goals for contract negotiations are set by membership and the bargaining committee and will guide us through this next contract cycle. Please fill out the survey below by Friday, February 14 so the bargaining committee can understand your priority issues and concerns to address.

This survey is only for union members. You can fill out a union membership card here. If you are not sure, please click the link and sign up.
Interested in joining the Contract Action Team? If yes, please complete the attached paperwork and turn it into your steward and/or your rep so we can build our power ahead of the upcoming contract negotiations. As a member of the Contract Action Team, you will have the opportunity to study the contract, advocate for yourself and your colleagues, and play a vital role in the fight for a fair and equitable contract. The bargaining committee will be announced in the coming weeks.
Cook County Workers’ Support Helps Pass Resolution Reducing Staffing Agency Contracts
Cook County Health and SEIU Local 73 Reach Landmark Agreement to Reduce Reliance on Agency Staffing
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Upcoming Member Meetings
Upcoming Steward Meetings:
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Find Your Union Steward and Staff Representative
Lizzy Bortoto,
- All community-based ACHN Clinics
- Harrison Square
Owen Schmidt,
- Offices Under the President
- Clerk’s Office
- Sheriff’s Department
- Cermak
- Department of Transportation and Highway
- Animal Control
- All Courthouses
Jamie Luna,
- Stroger Hospital
- Professional Building
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Resources & Links
Worksite Issue Report Forms
- Manager Conduct Report Form (Formulario de informe de conducta del gerente)
- CCH Assignment Despite Objection Form
Union Contracts & Relevant Policies/Resources
- CCHHS Healthcare Professionals Contract
- CCHHS Hospital Technicians & Technologists Contract
- CCHHS Service & Maintenance Contract
- Cook County Clerk Administrative Support Staff Contract
- Cook County Clerk Supervisors Contract
- Cook County Office of the Public Administrator Contract
- Cook County Offices Under the President Contract
- Cook County Sheriff Contract
- Cook County Treasurer Contract
Steward Information
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