Local 73 Officer and Delegate Elections

On the afternoon of Monday August 26, 2024, Local 73 posted a version of the nominating petition for officers that didn’t take into account the change to the number of Region 1’s EBoard officers. We have replaced that form with an updated version as of August 27, 2024 that reflects those changes and is more user-friendly for slate and individual candidates. The Election Committee will accept either form as long the petitions otherwise conform to the requirements in the rules. Please contact elections@seiu73.org with any questions.

For Delegate Petitions and Nominations: Please note that the table on page 13-D of the “Notice and Instructions” mailing contains incorrect signature requirements. The table on 16-D of the mailing reflects the correct requirements for each region, as does the remainder of the Notice’s text. We have corrected the “Notice and Instructions” form on the website. Additionally, to further highlight the correction, we’ve added a third page to the Delegates Petition that includes the specific signature requirements for delegates. Please contact elections@seiu73.org with any questions.

Notice and Instructions

Aviso e instrucciones

Nomination Petitions for Officer Election

Rules and Instructions for Circulating Delegate Petitions (Petition Included)

Nomination Acceptance Form for Officer Election