Village of Chicago Ridge Clerical Unit Wins New Contract
Congratulations to Chicago Ridge Clerical Unit members who not only won strong new language in their contract but were successful in staying united to against the boss’ schemes!
When management proposed extending member’s hours until 7 p.m. on Tuesdays members argued that having more online services for constituents will actually do more than extending their hours. Every single member said NO to having their hours changed and by sticking together they were successful in keeping their original schedule AND increasing online services.
Here are some highlights of this four year contract:
– Two weeks of parental leave for fathers
– Six weeks of parental leave for mothers
– Five extra vacation days for those with 15-20 years of service
– Vacation maxes out at 30 days instead of 25 days
– New wage scale with a huge increase in the first year and 9.5% for the remaining three years