Cook County Health and SEIU Local 73 Reach Landmark Agreement to Reduce Reliance on Agency Staffing

SEIU Local 73 has reached a landmark agreement with Cook County to restore Local 73 bargaining unit positions and create a path to reduce reliance on temporary staffing agencies.
Since 2018, SEIU Local 73 has fought to end the over-reliance on private, out-of-state staffing agencies that eroded our bargaining units and allowed for-profit interests to co-opt a public good. We are proud to announce a new agreement that will move the work currently being done by agency workers into full-time positions covered by the existing union contracts. SEIU Local 73 represents nearly 1,500 dedicated Cook County Hospital system workers.
This unprecedented agreement will increase Local 73’s bargaining unit by up to 25% by converting temporary agency workers into full-time union positions, restoring an additional 250 bargaining unit positions, and expeditiously hiring to fill the remaining vacancies. Cook County Health also commits to regularly reporting agency usage and continued collaboration with Local 73 to fill vacancies.
“Cook County patients deserve the best quality care we can provide. We thank President Preckwinkle, newly appointed CEO, Dr. Erik Mikaitis, and Cook County leadership for working to restore and strengthen Local 73 bargaining unit positions in Cook County Health. This agreement is a victory against austerity in Cook County and sets an example for local governments nationwide to defend and fund public goods and services,” said SEIU Local 73 President Dian Palmer.
This agreement comes on the heels of SEIU Local 73’s collaboration with Cook County Commissioners Degnen, Anaya, and Quezada on a resolution to further reduce the Cook County Health system’s reliance on temporary staffing agencies while prioritizing permanent employees. The resolution was brought before the Cook County Board of Commissioners on October 24 and was moved to the Health and Hospitals Committee meeting, which convenes later this month.