Chicago Park District Lifeguards Demand Full-Time Positions at Budget Hearing

During the November 20 Chicago Park District Budget Hearing, Lifeguards testified in support of a proposal to create full-time positions in the Aquatics Department.
Nearly 9% of Aquatics employees are full-time, or one full-time position per pool across the District. Aquatics lags behind other departments, such as the Traditional Community Recreation, which has 45% full-time positions.
Park District Aquatics Management and staff agree that the District needs more full-time roles. Management submitted a proposal for creating full-time positions as part of the 2025-2026 Budget. The Park District Board, however, did not include the proposal as part of the District’s Proposed Budget Recommendations.
“When I was first hired, I worked with one of the last Monthly Lifeguards nearing retirement. She taught multiple generations of the same families for decades at the same pool. Adding the Monthly Lifeguard position to the budget will not only provide opportunities for our part-time staff to begin a career with the Park District, but it will also help us retain great staff that will know our communities and their needs for generations to come,” said Jim Ryan, Aquatics Training Specialist and Local 73 Union Steward.
“We teach kids life-saving skills, keep people safe, and offer a space for recreation and growth. But to keep doing this well, we need more support for the staff who make it all happen. Monthly lifeguard positions would make a huge difference by providing year-round consistency, making operations safer and smoother, and helping retain great staff,” said Adolfo Flores, Natatorium Instructor at Ping Tom Pool.
Chicago Park District Aquatics Staff have been taking action to address staffing issues in our pools and beaches. During the summer of 2023, pool closings were reported across the city due to short staffing. Workers testified during the 2023 Budget Hearing about the urgent need to raise wages to fill vacant positions. One of the gains made in the Park District union contract was an agreement for management and the union to work together to identify opportunities to create more monthly positions.