UIUC Building and Food Service Workers Reject Contract

University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign (UIUC) Workers have overwhelmingly voted down the latest contract proposal. SEIU Local 73 represents 763 Food Service and Building Service Workers who have been in contract negotiations for seven months and overwhelmingly voted to strike on July 24. Barring new contract proposals, the strike could begin as soon as Sunday, September 15.
“If they want us to do more then they need to pay more,” said Melody Decker, Chapter 119 President and Building Service Worker.
“Management’s last offer was clearly insufficient given the rising cost of inflation and increasing parking costs for workers,” said Dena Gary, Head Cook and Bargaining Team Member.
“With the higher demand and what’s happening right now on campus, they have insulted us with asking us to do more for less pay,” said Teresa Deaville, Building Service Worker and Union Steward.
“Non-governmental jobs are catching up to us at an alarming rate. So much so that we can’t get people to come work here anymore, causing us to be extremely understaffed. This makes working conditions very unsafe,” said John Morris, Building Service Worker. “Our members have spoken. They are fully prepared to strike for fair wages,” said Joseph Richert, SEIU Local 73 Secretary-Treasurer. “Our bargaining team is prepared to negotiate daily in order to reach an equitable agreement prior to the current contracts ending on August 31.”