Newly Ratified Contract Uplifts Village of Maywood Workers

Village of Maywood Technical Support workers have ratified a new union contract with major economic gains.
After fighting at the bargaining table, workers won yearly raises of 3.5%, 3%, and 3%; a one-dollar market adjustment for Records Supervisors; a standard uniform policy with the establishment of casual Fridays; and incremental sick time.
“I would like thank our SEIU Local 73 Representative Eduardo Victoria for helping us achieve our negotiation goals. He was really inspiring in showing us that a little concession in negotiations does not cost us financially; it makes headway toward our negotiation goals in the long run. Eduardo Victoria, along with the bargaining committee, was able to change some longstanding rules in addition to gaining more increases in raise percentage than in previous years. Being my first time working on the bargaining committee, it was a wonderful experience,” said Mary Levy, Steward and Bargaining Committee member.
“I thank our negotiation team and Union Rep Eduardo Victoria for helping us through this lengthy process and giving us a nice yearly raise for the next three years plus longevity pay. I appreciate your help and service,” said John Weaver, Steward and Bargaining Committee member.