
Quincy School District Workers Gain Major Pay Increases in New Contract

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Workers at Quincy School District No. 172 just voted unanimously to ratify their new contract with big pay raises.

Staff at Quincy School District won hourly increases ranging from $2 to $5 and 4% increases for all in years 2 and 3 of the contract. Due to a “me too” clause in the previous contract, these pay increases come on top of wages that have kept up with other District employees.

The Quincy bargaining team
Jerry Hanlin, Becky Mock, Barb Foster, Melissa Jansen (Not Pictured)

“Members have told me this is our best contract ever and that being united paid off,” said Barb Foster, bargaining committee member. “This was the fastest contract we ever agreed on.”

The new contract also includes two additional paid holidays: Juneteenth and Election Day.