New Documentary Shows Life of Local 73 Member and Civil Rights Activist
Local 73 is proud to highlight one of our rank-and-file leaders and wrap up Black History Month by releasing the documentary “On the Frontlines of the Good Fight: The Story of James Phipps, Civil Rights Activist”
James Phipps was born and raised in Marks, Mississippi during the era of Jim Crow racism. His life experiences drew him to the Civil Rights Movement at the young age of 13 by fighting to integrate a local High School. He joined the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) soon after and ignited a lifelong passion for racial and economic justice. Local 73 members have seen James fight for them in the workplace as a Steward and as an Executive Board member. This documentary explores James’ pathway to the Civil Rights Movement, his work in SNCC and other organizations fighting for freedom, the danger he faced for empowering Black Americans, and the impact of his work on the communities he served for nearly seven years.
Watch the full documentary below.