
Local 73, HCII Demand Congress Pass the Build Back Better Act

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Local 73 stood with our sister local SEIU Healthcare Illinois Indiana, U.S. Representatives Robin Kelly and Marie Newman, the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, Community Organizing and Family Issues, and Illinois Action for Children to demand that Congress pass the Build Back Better plan.

The Build Back Better act would provide a once-in-a-generation investment to expand access to care for those who need it and ensure people caring for our seniors and people with disabilities have good union jobs that pay a living wage.

“The Build Back Better act includes transformational health care benefits for all Americans and represents one of the largest investments in health care equity in our nation,” said Rep. Robin Kelly.

President Dian Palmer and Executive President Stacia Scott at Monday’s Rally

“We have to start taking care of the folks who are taking care of us,” said Rep. Marie Newman. “We must pass the Build Back Better act so that all health care and child care workers get their due, get paid properly, and get the training they desire.”

Americans can no longer wait for critical services. By 2028, 10,000 people turn 65 daily and our nation will need to fill 4.7 million new care jobs. Home care workers have been underpaid and undervalued for far too long. The Build Back Better Act allows us to meet the growing demand while turning home care jobs into good union work.

We must keep raising our voices together to demand that Congress quickly pass the Build Back Better package. Working families need urgent relief now. It’s time for Congress to deliver.