
Jewish Federation Union: The New Contract is Ratified!

jfedunionThe results are in: our new union contract passed unanimously with 100% voting to ratify. Over the last two weeks, hundreds of members voted at 21 in-person voting locations as well as online. Ratifying this contract is a huge step forward in building our union. 

This contract includes some historic victories that have not been won in these agencies for decades, including annual 3% raises, increased holidays and paid time off, paid parental leave, and improved health insurance options. 

These improvements would not have happened without members standing together as a union. We won them through the hard work of our members. Signing a union card, asking colleagues to sign a union card, organizing meetings, filling out a bargaining survey, and attending steward training or a bargaining session are just a few of the ways that members have been building this union. Thanks to everyone’s hard work, union membership increased this past year from 39% to 59%. It was this increase in our union membership and activity that gave us the strength to demand more from Management. None of these wins would have been possible without everyone coming together. 

But we’re not done yet.

The wins in this contract will be put to the test as members begin to enforce its provisions. We need to stand together and grow our union even more to make sure our voices are heard loud and clear. And just imagine what we could win when we’re back at the bargaining table two years from now if we reach 80%, 90%, or even 100% membership, and if we had union leaders from every department!  

Talk to your coworkers about your union and about signing a union card today! If you are interested in hosting a union meeting, or you or someone you know is interested in being a leader, let us know! As always, feel free to reach out to any of your stewards with questions.

Take action now: 

Sign a union member card
Host a union meeting at your workplace
Nominate a coworker for steward
Sign up for union steward trainings 
Join the Facebook group

For more information, email or call your Member Action Center at and (312) 787-5868, or reach out to your agency stewards and bargaining committee leaders.