Officers Election Results Are In!

The results are in! Members elected new officers and Executive Board members to lead our local for the next three years, a huge stride forward in achieving our vision to build a strong, effective and democratic union.
The Executive Committee officers elected are:
President: Dian Palmer
Secretary-Treasurer: Joseph Richert
Executive Vice Presidents: Jeffrey Howard and Science Meles
Vice Presidents: Robert Bisbee, Roy Chavadiyil, Cathleen Jensen, Camille Redman and Alfred Rodriguez
See a full list of the newly elected leaders including Executive Board members from each region here.
The leadership team will be sworn in on November 8, kicking off the next chapter in the life of our local.
Our union is only as strong as its members. Hats off to all the members who participated in the election process, ran for office, signed petitions, raised important questions and issues, volunteered and made their voices heard by voting.
As we celebrate this milestone, we also know that important work lies ahead. It’s time for all members to roll up their sleeves, unite and get involved. We need all hands on deck to keep our member-driven local winning at the bargaining table, beating back the attacks coming from politicians, and making the communities we serve thrive.