WIN! Chicago Public Schools Agrees to Pay $3.2 million to Workers

In January 2013, SEIU Local 73 discovered members who work at Chicago Public Schools (CPS) were being paid at the incorrect step of the salary schedule and, consequently, we filed an all affected grievance on behalf of the impacted members.
Through the process, we identified over 2000 workers who were being underpaid, and several hundreds of other workers who CPS claims were overpaid.
The result is a win for workers. CPS has agreed to retroactively pay $3.2 million to the underpaid workers and hold the workers who were paid more than the contract rate harmless. The agreement includes:
- Effective March 2017, underpaid members were advanced to their correct step with retroactive payments to November 2016;
- The $3.2 million in additional retroactive payments for the period before November 2016 will be made before January 2018; and
- The Board will not seek any repayment from those members who were overpaid or downgrade their steps. No adjustments will be made for those being overpaid.
When we fight together, we win together!
Chicago Public School workers, be on the lookout for contract surveys to add your voice to the upcoming contract negotiations. We’ll be distributing at your work sites and via email.