Vote Verna Thompson for MEABF Chicago Pension Board Trustee!
Protect Your Pension!
Vote Verna Thompson for Municipal Employees’ Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago Pension Board Trustee

“As a city employee and union steward, I have learned to speak up when it comes to defending our hard earned benefits. City workers need to be confident that our pensions will be there when we retire. Your pension fund trustee sets investment priorities, hires managers to invest your money and evaluates investment performance. I would be honored to be your voice and guardian on the pension board,” Verna Thompson.
When: Friday, October 27
Polls Open: 6am – 6pm
Polling Location: MEABF Office, 321 N. Clark St., 24th Fl.
To arrange a ride to the polls contact: Gordon Pye at 312-588-7586.
Verna Thompson has been a supervisor at the Chicago Traffic Management Authority for 12 years. For the past 11 years, Verna has served as a Union Steward for SEIU Local 73 Supervisors where she has served on the Contract Negotiation Team. Verna is endorsed by SEIU Local 73 and AFSCME Council 31.