Cook County (CCHS) Bargaining Update
Cook County Health & Hospitals System
Management Makes Unacceptable Offer
The SEIU Local 73 bargaining committee put forward a fair, comprehensive economic proposal on October 18 that attempts to properly value the services we provide to County residents. Among other items, it included:
- Across-the-board raises
- Hazard pay for those of us working in dangerous situations
- Upgrades to recognize extra job responsibilities and catch up to market rates
On the other hand, management put forward a proposal that would:
- Require us to pay significantly more for insurance
- Take away a holiday
- Make us endure a three-year wage freeze
Under their proposal, a ward clerk currently making $19.38 would see an 18% reduction that averages out to losing $7,250/year compared to our current contract.

“I provide rehabilitative programming for the most neglected population, the incarcerated mentally ill. It is our obligation to make certain that our elected leaders hear our stories at the public hearings so they will share our priorities at the bargaining table,” Maureen Wilson, Art Therapist/Activity Therapist II Cermak.
We are in the fight of our lives. the budget cuts and County’s position at the bargaining table threaten our jobs and the public services that we provide. We must fight for every job and against losing anything that we have fought so hard to win. Now more than ever we must be united, must fight as as union, and must have the protection of our contract.
Important Dates Coming Up:
Wednesday, November 8
Contract Solidarity Day: Wear Purple!
Thursday, November 9
Universal Bargaining
Get involved to help win a strong contract by calling 312 961 5772.
Wednesday, October 25
Budget Hearing
9am at Office of the Sheriff
118 N. Clark St. (Chicago)
Budget Hearing
1pm at Office of County Clerk
118 N. Clark St. (Chicago)
Monday, October 30
Budget Hearing
9am at Office of the President
118 N. Clark St. (Chicago)
Budget Hearing
1pm at Recorder of Deeds
118 N. Clark St. (Chicago)
Budget Hearing
1:30pm at Office of the County Treasurer
118 N. Clark St. (Chicago)
Public Hearing
6:30pm at Markham
16501 S. Kedzie Pkwy.
Markham, IL
Tuesday, October 31
Public Hearing
9am at Cook County Boardroom
118 N. Clark St. (Chicago)