Unit 2 Updates

City of Chicago Unit II workers,

Coming into the new year, we wanted to give everyone an update regarding what is currently happening with your contract. As most of you are aware, City of Chicago Attorney Duffy, stated in September, 2024 that Unit II members could potentially lose their COVID pay if IBEW 21 did not vote on the contract by 12/31/24. 

Since then, members have come together to take action against the City of Chicago. Those actions include

  • a petition,
  • a press conference at City Hall that appeared in the Chicago Tribune,
  • gathering support from the alderpersons (which we have majority support now)
  • nonmembers have begun to join the union, growing the membership 

All of the steps taken show the City of Chicago that there is power in numbers and that SEIU Local 73 Unit II members will not tolerate any loss of economic gains. This all contributed to pushing the City of Chicago into conversations with SEIU Local 73 around how to get the contract paid out to our members despite IBEW 21 still not voting. 

The City of Chicago began meeting with SEIU Local 73 in late November, and from these meetings, we are optimistic that this contract will be resolved sooner rather than later. The City Council was trying to organize an emergency meeting before the end of 2024. Unfortunately, due to the majority of the City Council being on holiday break, they were not successful in scheduling the meeting. 

What is important for you to know is that you have not lost any negotiated pandemic pay, nor have you lost any economic gains in the contract. The next City Council meeting will be on January 15, 2025, where we expect they will discuss providing pandemic pay, and they may even discuss the economic portion of the contract. We are continuously working toward resolving this and will let you know when we have something further to share. Unfortunately, I don’t have a timeline or any other information to share at this time. However, we are all hopeful this will be wrapped up and concluded after next week’s council meeting. 

I have extended the option for you to contact me directly if you have any questions, which is the quickest method for getting an update. My cell phone number is listed in my signature below. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for the most accurate information about updates.

In solidarity,

Kimarie Allen
Division Director of City of Chicago 

President Palmer talks about the fight for the Unit 2 contract on America’s Workforce Union Podcast

City of Chicago Workers Demand Answers From Mayor, City Council on Stalled Contract