
East Chicago Paraprofessionals Meeting – June 28, 10am

After almost 6 months of negotiations, East Chicago School District management has yet to respond in a meaningful way to any of our proposals aimed at making sure that that the members who are responsible for the physical, personal and behavioral care of the most vulnerable students within our District, are recognized and rewarded for their hard work.

East Chicago Members350


East Chicago School Administration and its Board continue to ignore proposals to increase pay, reward longevity, and provide the same paid holidays that every other employee receives within the District. In the last bargaining session, they came back with the same rhetoric of how they value us, but they cannot afford us.  


We need to tell them ‘enough is enough’ and the time for action is now. Until we act, there is no risk or consequences for their stalling. 


We will have a Para membership meeting on June 28 at the East Chicago Public Library on 2401 E Columbus Dr, East Chicago, In (Harbor) at 10 am. It is crucial that all members attend this meeting. You should be there to demand they stop stonewalling. RSVP here.


We have sent a letter to the School Board demanding that they meet with all of us so we can share our experience and demand that they agree to reach a fair contract. We will communicate the meeting date and time as soon as we confirm it.

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